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  • NOTICE:  The next Regular Village Board Meeting

    is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

    Location - Village Hall

 2025 Spring Primary Election Tuesday February 18 

  •  Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Education
  •  3 candidates running – Jeff Wright, Brittany Kinser and Jill Underly

    April 1st Election - Open Trustee Seat

    • Barb Ziebell will not be seeking re-election as trustee.  Thank you Barb for your wonderful service to the village of Rudolph. 
    • If someone wishes to run for trustee, please contact the Village Clerk and turn papers in by January 7, 2025. 

    Winter Parking Reminder

    Section 1-1-21 (c) Parking During Snow Removal - No person shall park, place, or leave standing any automobile, truck, or other vehicle on any street or public way after one (1) hour from the time such area has been designated and marked with signs or barriers by the Public Works Department of the Village of Rudolph indicating no parking due to special snow removal work.

    Further parking during snow removal regulations are in Section 10-1-29 (a) through (e).

    Section 1-2-28 (b) All Night Parking - No person shall park any vehicle for a period of time between the hours of 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. of any day except professionals or bona fide emergency calls on any street in the Village of Rudolph. 

    Snow Removal

    For information on clearing sidewalks and snow removal please see the ordinance for more information - snowordinance.htm (

    The Village of Rudolph received a grant from America in Bloom which was used to improve the Village Park.  This past Summer the America in Bloom representatives toured our wonderful Village of Rudolph and provided the attached Evaluation Report.  Thank you to all the participants who took the time to meet and explain what Rudolph has to offer. 


    Rudolph Senior Citizens

    The Rudolph Area Senior Citizens meet the second Thursday of every month at the Legion Hall, Main Street, at 1:00 p.m. 

    Meetings begin with a short business meeting followed by Bingo.  Next dates are Februray 13th and March 13th.

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